Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Terence Davies appreciation: One of Britain's greatest directors Los Angeles Times

house of mirth

Wharton's birth around the time of the Civil War predates that period by a little less than a decade. As a member of the privileged Old New York society,[f] she was eminently qualified to describe it authentically. She also had license to criticize the ways New York high society of the 1890s had changed without being vulnerable to accusations of envy motivated by coming from a lower social caste.[g] She accused her peers of having lost the sense of noblesse oblige of their forebears. Music, the lifeblood of Davies’ cinema, courses and cascades through these movies, forging a mesmerizing emotional continuity.

Review: In ‘Unsung Hero,’ a family’s musical success story comes to life via the clan itself

house of mirth

Lily saw thisnow in Mrs. Gormer’s unconcealable complacency, and in the happyirrelevance with which, for the next day or two, she quoted Bertha’sopinions and speculated on the origin of her gown. I’ve been hoping to meetyou—I should have written to you if I’d dared.” His face, with itstossed red hair and straggling moustache, had a driven uneasy look, asthough life had become an unceasing race between himself and the thoughtsat his heels. It was in this frame of mind that, striking back from the shore onemorning into the windings of an unfamiliar lane, she came suddenly uponthe figure of George Dorset.

At USC, arrests. At UCLA, hands off. Why pro-Palestinian protests have not blown up on UC campuses

Three months later, at Monte Carlo, Lily finds herself in a potentially explosive social situation, as everyone knows that her role on the trip is to distract George Dorset while his wife Bertha takes part in an adulterous relationship with the young, innocent Ned Silverton. This fragile situation collapses after George catches Bertha with Ned. To detract the attention from her own adulterous behavior, Bertha invents lies about Lily, accusing the young girl of trying to seduce her husband. Weeks later, when Lily returns to New York, she realizes that everyone has turned against her and that people only believe Bertha’s version of the story, for the simple reason that Bertha is rich and powerful. In addition to this state of affairs, Lily learns that her aunt, who died suddenly, has disowned her and is leaving her just barely enough to repay her debt to Gus Trenor. Despite the severe blow of Bertha’s betrayal, which reminds Lily of her difficult financial situation, Lily succeeds in convincing Gus Trenor to invest some money for her on the stock market, since he has been benefiting from a successful “tip” given to him by Simon Rosedale.

Emma Stone would like to be called by her real name, if you don’t mind

house of mirth

She made the statement clearly, deliberately, with pauses between thesentences, so that each should have time to sink deeply into her hearer’smind. She had a passionate desire that some one should know the truthabout this transaction, and also that the rumour of her intention torepay the money should reach Judy Trenor’s ears. And it had suddenlyoccurred to her that Rosedale, who had surprised Trenor’s confidence, wasthe fitting person to receive and transmit her version of the facts. Shehad even felt a momentary exhilaration at the thought of thus relievingherself of her detested secret; but the sensation gradually faded in thetelling, and as she ended her pallor was suffused with a deep blush ofmisery.

So You've Read 'The House of Mirth.' Now What? (Published 2019) - The New York Times

So You've Read 'The House of Mirth.' Now What? (Published .

Posted: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Hewas sensitive to shades of difference which Miss Bart would never havecredited him with perceiving, because he had no corresponding variationsof manner; and it was becoming more and more clear to him that Miss Bartherself possessed precisely the complementary qualities needed to roundoff his social personality. She felt that herhands were trembling, and clasped them on her knee to steady them; buther lip trembled too, and for a moment she was afraid the tremor mightcommunicate itself to her voice. The words were projected sharply against Lily’s silence, and she saw in aflash that her own act had given them their emphasis. In ordinary talkthey might have passed unheeded; but following on her prolonged pausethey acquired a special meaning. She felt, without looking, that Seldenhad immediately seized it, and would inevitably connect the allusion withher visit to himself. The consciousness increased her irritation againstRosedale, but also her feeling that now, if ever, was the moment topropitiate him, hateful as it was to do so in Selden’s presence.

She understood clearly enough that, even if she could everlearn to compete with hands formed from childhood for their special work,the small pay she received would not be a sufficient addition to herincome to compensate her for such drudgery. And the realization of thisfact brought her recurringly face to face with the temptation to use thelegacy in establishing her business. Once installed, and in command ofher own work-women, she believed she had sufficient tact and ability toattract a fashionable CLIENTELE; and if the business succeeded she couldgradually lay aside money enough to discharge her debt to Trenor. But thetask might take years to accomplish, even if she continued to stintherself to the utmost; and meanwhile her pride would be crushed under theweight of an intolerable obligation.

He saw that all the conditions of life had conspired to keep them apart;since his very detachment from the external influences which swayed herhad increased his spiritual fastidiousness, and made it more difficultfor him to live and love uncritically. But at least he HAD loved her—hadbeen willing to stake his future on his faith in her—and if the momenthad been fated to pass from them before they could seize it, he saw nowthat, for both, it had been saved whole out of the ruin of their lives. He laid the note in his card-case, folding it away carefully, assomething made precious by the fact that she had held it so; then,growing once more aware of the lapse of time, he continued hisexamination of the papers. The desk was closed, but on its slanting lid lay two letters which hetook up. One bore the address of a bank, and as it was stamped andsealed, Selden, after a moment’s hesitation, laid it aside. On the otherletter he read Gus Trenor’s name; and the flap of the envelope was stillungummed.

Norman Jewison, prolific director of films including ‘In the Heat of the Night’ and ‘Moonstruck,’ dies at 97

Poverty simplifies book-keeping, and her financialsituation was easier to ascertain than it had been then; but she had notyet learned the control of money, and during her transient phase ofluxury at the Emporium she had slipped back into habits of extravagancewhich still impaired her slender balance. She hid hereyes with a shudder, beholding herself at the entrance of thatever-narrowing perspective down which she had seen Miss Silverton’s dowdyfigure take its despondent way. She had just closed her trunk on the white folds of the Reynolds dresswhen she heard a tap at her door, and the red fist of the Irishmaid-servant thrust in a belated letter. Carrying it to the light, Lilyread with surprise the address stamped on the upper corner of theenvelope. It was a business communication from the office of her aunt’sexecutors, and she wondered what unexpected development had caused themto break silence before the appointed time.

”—amurmured word to the effect that he was making Nice his head-quarters. It came vividly to Selden on the Casino steps that Monte Carlo had, morethan any other place he knew, the gift of accommodating itself to eachman’s humour. His own, at the moment, lent it a festive readiness ofwelcome that might well, in a disenchanted eye, have turned to paint andfacility.

Lilyherself knew that his mind was divided between the dread of catching coldif he remained out of doors too long at that hour, and the fear that, ifhe retreated to the house, Mrs. Fisher might follow him up with a paperto be signed. Mr. Gryce had a constitutional dislike to what he called“committing himself,” and tenderly as he cherished his health, heevidently concluded that it was safer to stay out of reach of pen and inktill chance released him from Mrs. Fisher’s toils. Meanwhile he castagonized glances in the direction of Miss Bart, whose only response wasto sink into an attitude of more graceful abstraction.

As he spoke, he was checked by an embarrassing sense of the complicationsto which this might lead. Though he had not seen her he had heard of her;he knew of her connection with Mrs. Hatch, and of the talk resulting fromit. Mrs. Hatch’s MILIEU was one which he had once assiduously frequented,and now as devoutly shunned.

At such moments of diminished interestit was usual for Mrs. Dorset to keep her room till the afternoon; but onthis occasion she drifted in when luncheon was half over, hollowed-eyedand drooping, but with an edge of malice under her indifference. But now the hint of thisweakness had become the most interesting thing about her. He had come onher that morning in a moment of disarray; her face had been pale andaltered, and the diminution of her beauty had lent her a poignant charm.THAT IS HOW SHE LOOKS WHEN SHE IS ALONE! Had been his first thought; andthe second was to note in her the change which his coming produced.

That Lilywas a star fallen from that sky did not, after the first stir ofcuriosity had subsided, materially add to their interest in her. She hadfallen, she had “gone under,” and true to the ideal of their race, theywere awed only by success—by the gross tangible image of materialachievement. The consciousness of her different point of view merely keptthem at a little distance from her, as though she were a foreigner withwhom it was an effort to talk. But at the very outset of Gerty’s campaign this vision of thegreen-and-white shop had been dispelled.

” he exclaimed; andshe forced her lips into a pallid smile of reassurance. The clerk had read the prescription without comment; but in the act ofhanding out the bottle he paused. The tall forewoman, a pinched perpendicular figure, dropped the condemnedstructure of wire and net on the table at Lily’s side, and passed on tothe next figure in the line. Selden’s entrance had caused Lily an inward start of embarrassment; buthis air of constraint had the effect of restoring her self-possession,and she took at once the tone of surprise and pleasure, wondering franklythat he should have traced her to so unlikely a place, and asking whathad inspired him to make the search. There his zeal met a check in the unforeseen news that Miss Bart hadmoved away; but, on his pressing his enquiries, the clerk remembered thatshe had left an address, for which he presently began to search throughhis books. “There would beother ways of showing your sympathy,” she suggested.

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